First Time Purchasers Survey 2023

For some, buying a firearm may be an exciting experience. For others, it can be stressful. To help retailers improve the firearm shopping experience, please take 5 to 10 minutes to respond to these questions. In appreciation, we are offering a chance to win one of ten $100 Mastercard gift cards. Your response will remain fully anonymous and confidential. No one will ever contact you as a result of this survey.

This survey is being conducted for and funded by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) which is the trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports.

Your participation in this survey will help improve the gun buying experience for all Asian Pacific Americans by letting the firearms industry hear what is and is not important to our community.

Thank you!
Survey in English

对于某些人来说,购买枪支可能是一种令人兴奋的经验。 对于其他人来说,这可能会有压力。 为帮助零售商改善购买枪支经验,请花 5 到 10 分钟回答这些问题。 为了表示感谢,我们提供赢取十张价值 100 美元的万事达卡礼品卡之一的机会 。您的回答将完全匿名和保密。 没有人会因为这项调查而与您联系。

该调查由国家射击运动基金会(NSSF)执行并由其资助,该基金会是枪支和弹药行业的贸易协会。 它的使命是促进、保护和维护狩猎和射击运动。



對於某些人來說,購買槍支可能是一種令人興奮的經驗。 對於其他人來說,這可能會有壓力。 為説明零售商改善購買槍支經驗,請花 5 到 10 分鐘回答這些問題。 為了表示感謝,我們提供 有機會贏取十張價值 100 美元的萬事達卡禮品卡之一 您。的回答將完全匿名和保密。 沒有人會因為這項調查而與您聯繫。

該調查由國家射擊運動基金會(NSSF)執行並由其資助,該基金會是槍支和彈藥行業的貿易協會。 它的使命是促進、保護和維護狩獵和射擊運動。



First Time Purchasers Survey 2023

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