Author : Amy Dillon

$31,000 in NFT value generated by RECOIL Magazine Issue 56 cover art with Top Shot Chris Cheng

By Top Shot Chris ChengTop Shot Chris Cheng, History Channel’s Top Shot Season 4 Champion. NFT firearm visionary. Techie, Author, Civil Rights advocate The results of the first NFT cover art auction in the firearms community was incredibly successful. The 10 rare NFTs of RECOIL Magazine Issue 56 with Top Shot Chris Cheng on the cover sold[…]

In the News: Digital Art “NFT” auction — Top Shot Chris Cheng & RECOIL Magazine

By Top Shot Chris ChengTop Shot Chris Cheng, History Channel’s Top Shot Season 4 Champion. NFT firearm visionary. Techie, Author, Civil Rights advocate Outdoor media has taken quite an interest in the NFT “digital art” auction that I’m running with RECOIL Magazine. The iconic and controversial Issue 56 cover art representing #2AForAll for Americans of[…]

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